Media & Press Center

CyberSat 2024 provides editorial members of the press exclusive access to attend at no cost. To qualify for press credentials, you must:

  • Be affiliated with a nationally or regionally recognized, or industry-relevant media outlet and;
  • Hold an editorial title

All interested members of the press (including staff, freelance, and online) are required to provide one of the following types of documentation:

  • A letter of verification from the news organization he or she represents, on company letterhead and signed by the editor.
  • A copy of a business card (with name, editorial title and media outlet’s logo), and a copy of the online publication with the reporter’s name and title appearing in an editorial capacity. This must include a by-lined article written by him or her that has been published within the past six months

Please be advised:

  • Only professional members of the media qualify for complimentary registration. That determination will be made solely by Access Intelligence.
  • Non-editorial employees of media organizations, including but not limited to marketing, public relations, advertising, sales, and publishers, do not qualify for complimentary press registration. Non-editorial press is able to register online through the paid registration process.
  • Members of the press who are working with complimentary credentials are prohibited from soliciting business from exhibitors, spokespeople or attendees during the event.

As a registered member of the press, you will have access to all non-classified sessions, workshops, and networking receptions. After the event, please send any content that was published as a result of attending the event directly to Kelley Longshore. Please note that being awarded press credentials does not grant the right to distribute publications or solicit from sponsoring companies or attendees. Members of the press who violate this regulation will have their credentials revoked. If you’d like to distribute your publication at the in-person event, please contact Kelley Longshore with regards to a media partnership.

Please send all press credentials or media-related questions to:

Kelley Longshore
Marketing Manager